Test leakage pressure for sheathed lead pipe with dia. 225mm
Apr 27 , 2022
Test leakage pressure for sheathed lead pipe with dia. 225mm, which must be carefully detected before assembly so as to achieve high quality! ITO has been conducting forward-looking new technology development and new product research , ITO welcomes you! In recent one month our company has received submarine and mineral cable purchase orders from Chinese cable giants --Hengtong, Sun, Tongguang, Huatong etc. In all eight companies , and we’ve already succeeded in testing lead extruders for the Yichang Qifang, zhongtian Shanwei Marine cable base and extruders works well , and for India, Indonesian customers, the company shared overseas engineers, through the Internet, VR advanced technology to guide its testing and commission .
Rolling mill, lead extruder, Breakdown drawing machine are of best quality !
ITO-SIN honestly provides with new brand high quality products, high quality service for the  world!  welcome you to ITO-SIN !
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